Puta Catalunya

It’s been a while since I’ve logged into the blog. The truth is that Catalan politics has lost all interest, if not to laugh at it. But of course, laughing at the exploited, denied, traitors who are destroying the country and selling it to fatten their pockets and those of their own, is no joke.

Barcelona’s city council, head and lighthouse of catalonia in theory, at Ada Colau hands and her army of cynical friends pluged*, has deteriorated in such a way that we probably didn’t even go back to the early 80’s. Worse, today’s levels of violence and filth make the city a manure of parasites covered by a penal code that protects them from recidivism. Occupations, narcotics dens, shacks. A disgusting decay. And without opposition.

The rest of the country, ruled as we are by a gang of collaborationist puppets, can do little to make it worse. There is no political line of its own, but the Spanish government follows Spanish guidelines, making it up with pseudo-autonomy. So there is no line of work, neither hard nor soft. Without direction, they look like a beheaded duck, circling and bumping into everything. Stumbling, falling and dying. The great traitors of the past 2017, already out of prison, are whitewashing the regime and renouncing the Catalan homeland and nation, submissive as they have been to the invader, they have no dignity left to retire in silence. Waterloo’s big clown is still living off the stupid soup.

And what can we expect? Well, little else to keep bleeding. Catalan society, childish and narcotized by the audiovisual media by the hand of the collaborationist political class, with social organizations (anc, omnium, cdr, …) already neutralized and currently at the service of precisely the process cause, that is prolong the agony to become the victim and vice versa. Until there is a revulsion, sustained enough to catalyze a sufficiently important strip of society and that this is noticeable across the media, networks, families, parties, universities, …. in short, a generational change.



Act of cowardice

The past October of 2017 was a month that the Catalans will never forget. This month it was when the Catalan people stood peacefully against the power of a state, Spanish, and the violence of two Spanish police forces, the Civil Guard and the National Police. On October 1st, 2017 the Catalan people overcame the Spanish police, defeated the violent strategy of Spanish politics. Here you can watch a collection of videos of that day. That day the civil society marked a before and after in the fight for the liberation of the Catalan nation. Sadly the Catalan political class was not up to the top. During the first two / three days they did not execute the result of the referendum, skipping the law. It was not until October 10th that the MHP Mr. Puigdemont did something. He declared and suspended after 10 seconds the Catalan Republic in parliamentary.

The following weeks there was the intervention of the Generalitat de Catalunya by the Spanish Government, the application of article 155 and the imposition of elections. In summary, civil society during October 1st responded with great courage, just like the next three days, mobilizing massively. By shame and sadness of all, the Catalan politicians acted cowardly, a lot of cowardice. This lack of courage in addition to a great retreat (and what will come) did not bring them any benefit because in some deprivation of freedom (prisoner) and in other exiles is the consequence that they have taken away.

City council of Barcelona

About 4 years ago, a confluence of political parties entered the Barcelona Consistory under the umbrella of an old and vitiate party (IC-V) and a new and apparently and already-begun addict (bcn en comú / podemos). The head of the cartel and who has ended up being a mayor during these four years, Mrs. Ada Colau, has ended up being Barcelona’s worst mayor ever. With these four years, lethargy has been supine. Dirt, insecurity, embarrassment of friendship (and family) in the selection of labor and advisory staff, breakdown of relations with the Government of Catalonia, omission of responsibilities in public order, reordering projects Municipalities, suppression of hotel licenses while the number of tourist apartments and apartments has not stopped growing, uncontrolled in the street sale …

Ms. Colau was a media and well-known social activist, who had repeated on many occasions that she would never enter politics. On the first opportunity she saw options, she come in. All the activism that she defended then, help and protection of the people who were expelled from their house for non-payment of the mortgage, has been forgotten. Moreover, there are more expulsions now than four years ago.

The Catalan fiscal deficit

Catalonia drags an economic slab. And it’s Spain. The management of the different government that the Generalitat of Catalonia has had has sometimes been more conservative, others more progressive, there are legislatures that have given priority to the strengthening of the public administration, some have had austerity, some cuts. But always, in all, there is an important amount of euros that although they are generated by the Catalans, Spain collects them and does not return them. Not directly or indirectly. The figure goes back € 15,000M.  Here you can read, with some specific information, about the Catalan fiscal deficit.